September 11, 2024

You Should Be Using Point Solutions to Try New Things

Matt Schmitter
Matt Schmitter
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The Power of Point Solutions: Agile Experimentation in Marketing

As a seasoned email marketer who's now diving into the world of conversational marketing, I've learned a valuable lesson: sometimes, the best way forward isn't the all-in-one solution that promises to do it all. Instead, it's about being agile, experimenting with point solutions, and discovering what truly works for your audience.

The Case for Point Solutions

Enter point solutions - specialized tools designed to excel at specific tasks. Here's why they deserve your attention:

  • Quick Implementation: Point solutions are often easier to set up and start using, allowing you to test new ideas rapidly.
  • Focused Functionality: These tools typically do one thing exceptionally well, which can be perfect when you're exploring new channels or strategies.
  • Lower Initial Investment: Both in terms of time and money, point solutions often require less upfront commitment than overhauling your entire tech stack.
  • Flexibility: If a tool isn't working out, it's generally easier to switch to an alternative without disrupting your entire workflow.

The Allure of All-in-One Platforms

Big software solutions often paint a tempting picture: a single, integrated platform that handles everything from customer data to campaign execution. While these comprehensive systems have their merits, they can sometimes hinder agility and innovation, especially when you're venturing into new territories or trying to reach a new audience.

Go Big or Go Home

All-in-one platforms (which you may have or be considering) offer a tempting picture: a single, integrated platform that handles all of your channels.  Some of these platforms started with one channel and continued to add others, and some came as multichannel from the beginning.  As new channels emerge, though, adding them to the same toolset usually means sacrificing some (sometimes big) parts of that new channel’s experience. You are then left with a surface-level set of features vs. a robust platform that let’s you really leverage the channel’s unique advantages. A classic "jack of all trades, master of none" scenario.

On the other hand, point solutions are designed to excel at specific tasks, diving deep into the nuances and intricacies of a particular aspect of marketing. They typically provide more advanced features, greater customization options, and a level of expertise that all-in-one platforms simply can't match. This focus allows marketers to fully explore and really test the potential of a specific channel or strategy, rather than settling for a watered-down version within a larger platform.

When trying to experiment with a new marketing approach or channel, using the built-in tools of an all-in-one platform is akin to half-heartedly attempting a new strategy, merely for the sake of saying you've tried it. This approach doesn't allow for a true, in-depth experiment because you're not getting the full experience that a dedicated point solution provides. If you're genuinely committed to understanding and exploring a new marketing channel, do it with a solution that really allows you to. This means leveraging the specialized capabilities of point solutions to conduct thorough, meaningful experiments that can yield valuable insights and potentially great results for your marketing strategy.

The Test-and-Learn Approach

Here's how you can leverage point solutions to drive innovation:

  1. Identify Opportunities: Look for areas where your current solutions are falling short or where you want to explore new strategies.
  2. Research and Select: Find point solutions that address your specific needs. Don't be afraid to try a few different options.
  3. Implement and Test: Set up small-scale experiments to see how these tools perform in real-world scenarios.
  4. Analyze and Learn: Pay close attention to the results. What's working? What isn't? What surprises you?
  5. Optimize and Scale: Based on your findings, refine your approach and gradually increase the scope of your experiments.

From Point Solution to Integrated Workflow

As you discover what works best for your audience and objectives, you'll face a decision: do you continue with the point solution, or do you integrate these learnings into your existing tech stack?

Here are some considerations:

  • Integration Potential: Can the point solution be easily integrated with your existing tools? Many modern SaaS platforms offer robust APIs and pre-built integrations.
  • Scalability: Will the point solution continue to meet your needs as you grow, or will you eventually need to transition to a more comprehensive solution?
  • Team Adoption: How has your team responded to the new tool? Sometimes, a great user experience can be worth maintaining a separate solution.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the ongoing costs of the point solution against the potential costs and benefits of integrating its functionality into your main tech stack.

Collaboration is Key

Your relationship with these point solutions doesn't have to be passive. Engage with their teams, provide feedback, and share what you’ve learned. Many of these companies are eager to improve their products and may be open to developing custom integrations or features that better suit your needs.

Conclusion: Embrace the Experimental Mindset

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, agility is crucial. While comprehensive platforms have their place, don't underestimate the power of point solutions to drive innovation and uncover new opportunities. By adopting a test-and-learn approach, you can stay nimble, respond quickly to changing market conditions, and continuously improve your marketing strategies.

Remember, it's not about having the most sophisticated tech stack (or the simplest) - it's about finding the right tools that deliver results for your specific audience and objectives. So go ahead, experiment with that new email automation tool, or try out that innovative WhatsApp marketing platform. You might just discover your next game-changing strategy.

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